
Title: Reclining Figure
Date: 2022
Medium: oil, paint tubes, palette scrapings, on linen and wood
Size: 15" x 29" x 21"
Title: The Ascension
Date: 2017
Medium: oil, gesso, and enamel, on canvas, wood, and terra cotta
Size: 130" x 130" x 135"
Title: Blue Reclining Figure
Date: 2017
Medium: oil, palette scrapings, on metal, canvas, and wood
Size: 18" x 13" x 12"
Title: Stroller
Date: 2017
Medium: oil and turpenoid can on wood
Size: 18" x 15" x 11"
Artist Statement:2002-2017
Title: After The Chase: Apollo and Daphne
Date: 2017
Medium: oil, acrylic, paint tubes, and palette scrapings on canvas, wood, and metal
Size: 46" x 29" x 24"
Artist Statement:2004-2017
Title: Crouching Figure
Date: 2016
Medium: oil and enamel on wood and wire and framed
Size: 19" x 13" x 25"
Title: Twisting Figure
Date: 2011
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 11" x 9" x 16"
Title: Reclining Figure
Date: 2008
Medium: oil and wire on wood
Size: 12'' x 21'' x 10''
Title: Green Hello
Date: 2007
Medium: oil wood and studio detritus on linen and wood
Size: 28'' x 16'' x 14''
Artist Statement:selected by Linda Jablonski Best Sculpture 70th Annual Guild Hall Members Show
Title: By The Tree
Date: 2004
Medium: oil wood and pallette scrapings on linen and palette and wood
Size: 22'' x 18'' x 17''
Title: Angler
Date: 2004
Medium: oil wood and pallette scrapings on linen and wood
Size: 27'' x 19'' x 15''
Title: Parent Child
Date: 2003
Medium: oil pallette scrapings and turpenoid can on linen and wood
Size: 21'' x 18'' x 10''
Title: Early Figure in Landscape
Date: 2003
Medium: oil on linen and wood
Size: 13" x 13" x 15"
Title: Figure Turning Up
Date: 2003
Medium: oil on linen and wood
Size: 14" x 14" x 17"
Title: It Rains
Date: 2003
Medium: oil on canvas and wood
Size: 18" x 11" x 34"
Title: Reclining Figure
Date: 2002
Medium: oil palette scrapings and pigment residue on linen on wood
Size: 15'' x 19'' x 17''
Artist Statement:Selected by Amei Wallach Best in Show 64th Annual Members Exhibition Guild Hall, Easthampton, NY
Title: Wounded Soldier
Date: 2002
Medium: oil and palette scrapings on wood
Size: 11" x 13" x 8"
Title: Dark Figure From Le Dejeuner Sur L'herbe
Date: 2002
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 15" x 8" x 22"
Title: Figure Painting
Date: 2001
Medium: oil and paint tubes on linen and wood
Size: 70'' x 22'' x 33''