Art History
Title: After Poussin: Madonna Of The Steps
Date: 2023
Medium: oil on linen and frame
Size: 52" x 76"
Title: After Poussin: Moses Saved From The Water
Date: 2023
Medium: oil on panel
Size: 48 1/2" x 97"
Title: After Poussin: Landscape With Travelers At Rest
Date: 2023
Medium: oil on canvas and linen
Size: 104" x 87"
Title: After Poussin: Landscape With Man Killed By Snake
Date: 2023
Medium: oil on panel
Size: 50" x 100"
Title: After Poussin: Landscape With Man Pursued By Serpent
Date: 2023
Medium: oil, linen, and screws on panel and canvas
Size: 54" x 54"
Title: After Van Gogh: Starry Night 1
Date: 2023
Medium: oil and resin on canvas
Size: 36" x 60"
Title: After Van Gogh: Starry Night 2
Date: 2023
Medium: oil and resin on canvas
Size: 36" x 60"
Title: Fuck Poussin Is Great
Date: 2023
Medium: oil, charcoal, pans, wood, black and white foam core, and resin on canvas
Size: 96" x 96"
Title: After Picasso: Harlequin
Date: 2023
Medium: oil and resin 0n linen
Size: 72" x 72"
Title: Le Luxe 3: After Matisse
Date: 2022
Medium: glitter and resin on canvas
Size: 76" x 51"
Title: Waiting For Death Or Slavery: After Delacroix
Date: 2020-2022
Medium: oil, grease pen, and resin on linen
Size: 89" x 77"
Title: Cement Matisse: The Piano Lesson
Date: 2021
Medium: cement on canvas
Size: 120' x 72"
Title: Cement Matisse: The Dance
Date: 2021
Medium: cement on canvas
Size: 81" x 108"
Title: Apollo And Daphne 2
Date: 2021
Medium: oil and charcoal on canvas
Size: 60" x 150"
Title: Cement David: After Michelangelo
Date: 2021
Medium: cement on canvas
Size: 150" x 36"
Title: Cement Odalisque: After Ingres
Date: 2021
Medium: cement on canvas
Size: 54" x 81"
Title: Cement Bathers: After Renoir
Date: 2021
Medium: cement on linen
Size: 44" x 62"
Title: After Matisse: Harmony In Red
Date: 2020
Medium: oil and resin on linen in artist frame
Size: 70" x 82"
Title: After Rubens: The Gift Of Paris
Date: 2020
Medium: oil, tape, pastel, cement, conte, and resin on linen
Size: 47 1/2" x 79 1/2"
Title: After Rubens: The Rape Of The Daughters Leucippus
Date: 2020
Medium: oil, pastel, and resin on linen
Size: 47 1/2" x 58"
Title: Dionysus From The Acropolis East Pediment
Date: 2020
Medium: oil resin and pastel on linen
Size: 42" x 84"
Title: After Rubens: The Rape Of The Daughters Leucippus
Date: 2018
Medium: acrylic, conte, charcoal, and paper on board in artist's frame
Size: 47" x 38" x 5"
Title: After Titian: Venus Of Urbino
Date: 2018
Medium: oil, resin, paper, and pencil on linen in artist's frame
Size: 50" x 72" x 7"
Title: The Three Graces: After Rubens
Date: 2015
Medium: oil, pencil, and gouache on linen, paper, and canvas
Size: 110" x 84" x 10"
Title: After Velazquez: My Meninas
Date: 2012
Medium: oil and wood on canvas
Size: 100" x 72"
Title: Danae: after Rembrandt
Date: 2010
Medium: oil and watercolor on paper and linen
Size: 36'' x 40''
Title: After Titian: The Rape Of Europa
Date: 2003
Medium: ol, powdered pigmentations, and linseed oil on linen
Size: 48" x 58"
Title: Le Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe: After Manet 2
Date: 2001
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 20'' x 24''
Title: Le Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe: After Manet 1
Date: 2001
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 24'' x 34''
Title: Le Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe: After Manet 3
Date: 2001
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 20'' x 36''
Title: Moses and the Crossing of the Red Sea: History After Poussin
Date: 2001
Medium: oil powdered pigment and oil on linen
Size: 45'' x 63''
Title: Moses and the Crossing of the Red Sea: after Poussin
Date: 2001
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 68'' x 80''
Title: The Nurturing of Jupiter: After Poussin
Date: 2001
Medium: oil on linen
Size: 68'' x 84''